0201What's your name? 君のなまえは?

Hi, I'm an Eigorian.

Hi, I'm an Eigorian. What's your name?

Hi. My name is Mansour.

What's your name, please?

"What's your..?"

Hi, Yuji.

Ah, Michael.

Yuji, what's the matter?
Oh.… Hi!

Hi, my name is Mansour. What's your name?

My name is Michael. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too.
Michael, what's your friend's name?

Oh, his name is Yuji.
Yuji, say "Hi" to Mansour.


Hi, I'm Mansour. What's your name?

"What's your name?"

Your name, Yuji. Name. My name is Michael.

Oh, name! Yuji!

Oh, your name is Yuji. My name is Mansour.
Good. Yuji, nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

No, no, Yuji. Say "Nice to meet you, too".

OK. Nice to meet you, too.