Men In Black II

Will Smith
Tommy Lee Jones

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Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones are back to their old alien-battling ways in Men In Black II. The first Men In Black movie was a huge success, and the sequel is currently number one at the box office. Miguel is pretty fired up to see it too!


Miguel: So, dude! Are you excited about seeing that new, uh, Will Smith movie, uh, Men In Black II?
Brett: Yeah, I think I'll, uh, end up seeing it. You're a pretty big, uh, Will Smith fan, aren't you?
Miguel: Well, yeah, I like him. I mean, he's hilarious, and actually I saw him on Jay Leno last night and was reminded that, you know, he's a really talented dude.
Brett: Yeah, he really is. I mean, with the music and the acting as well. But, um, what is it about the new Men In Black movie that makes you excited to see it?
Miguel: Well, I'm excited just because I thought the last one was pretty good. I mean, it's not, like, a great film. It's not going to win Best Picture or anything. But, it's one of those, like, funny, kind of fun movies that, you know, is good for the summer.
Brett: Yeah, kind of bubble gum for the brain.
Miguel: Yeah, exactly, that kind of thing. But, you know, the one thing I'm worried about is that after the last Men In Black movie, Will Smith made that movie Wild Wild West, which absolutely sucked!
Brett: Right, right.
Miguel: So I'm hoping that this one doesn't turn out that way too.
Brett: I don't know, it seems like they've got such a big following behind it that they're going to put in the effort. The supporting cast is good, too. I mean, not that Tommy Lee Jones is a supporting actor, but I think the two of them together will make it a pretty good movie.
Miguel: Speaking of supporting cast, I heard, uh, Michael Jackson has a pretty weird role in the movie, so it will be kind of cool to go check that out.
Brett: Really? I didn't know he was in it.


Sequels can be hit-or-miss, but Men In Black II seems like it's worth seeing. Will Smith is usually a very funny actor, and with cameo appearances by Michael Jackson as well as rapper Biz Markie, this is one movie that is sure to please a lot of audiences this summer.

Do you think sequels are ever as good as the original movie? Tell us what you think on the Movie Madness board!

See you next week-



Which show did Miguel see Will Smith on?

Jay Leno
David Letterman
Oprah Winfrey

Which other Will Smith movie do Brett and Miguel discuss?

Independence Day
Wild Wild West
Six Degrees of Separation

Who else stars in the movie Men in Black II?

Tommy Lee Jones
Robin Williams
Al Pacino

Who makes a guest appearance in Men in Black II?

Michael Jordan
Michael Jackson
Janet Jackson