Welcome to English, baby!
Welcome to English, baby!
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Christmas Eve (pron.)
- the day before Christmas (December 24th)

Example: Every year my family and I have dinner together on Christmas Eve.

siblings (n.)
- brothers and sisters

Example: It's nice to have my siblings home for the holidays.

stick with (expression)
- continue using; continue doing

Example: This flavor is interesting, but I think I'll stick with chocolate.

eggnog (n.)
- a drink made from egg, milk, sugar, salt, cream and nutmeg (and sometimes alcohol)

Example: I like to add alcohol to my eggnog on Christmas Eve.

more presents than we knew what to do with (expression)
- a lot of presents; many presents

Example: When we were poor we didn't have any presents to give one another, but last last year we had more presents than we knew what to do with!

hot water (n.)
- trouble

Example: I knew I was in hot water when my teacher found me painting on the classroom wall.

got a little bigger (expression)
- grew up; matured

Example: My siblings and I used to fight about silly things, but when we got a little bigger we stopped.

Welcome to English, baby!