21 ON NET英検 5 級 Words 500 List TOP ★ 英検過去問題・出題順・完全対応ソフト
a lot of 〜 about 〜 ache Africa afternoon again age air alligator Amazon 10 America angel animal ant any apple April arm Asia astronaut 20 at 〜 August aunt Australia autumn baby back bad bag ball 30 ballpoint pen bamboo banana bathroom be, am, are, is beautiful bed bee beetle begin began begun 40 bicycle big bird bit black blood blue boat body book 50 bookmark boy branch Brazil bread breakfast bridge brown brush bug 60 but butterfly cake calculator Canada candy cap car card carrot 70 castle cat ceiling chair cheer China chip chopstick class classroom 80 clock cloud coffee cold color come came come compact count country cousin 90 cow cream crow cucumber cup cut cut cut dance daughter day December 100
desk dictionary dinner dish disk do /does did done dog doll door doughnut 10 down dragonfly drink drank drunk drum duck ear early earth east easy 20 eat ate eaten egg Egypt elbow elder elder brother elder sister elementary school elephant elevator 30 eraser Europe evening everybody everyone eye face fall fell fallen family farm 40 fast father favorite February fever field fine finger finish fire 50 firefly first fish five floor flower fog foot, feet fork Friday 60 friend frog from 〜 fruit fun game garden geese, (goose) gentleman girl 70 glad glass glasses go went gone goat gold good good morning good-bye goose 80 grade grandfather grandmother grape grass great green ground guitar hair 90 hamburger hammer hand handsome hard hat have /has had had he, his, him head headache 100
headphone hear heard heard heavy heel hello hen here hey Hi hill 10 holiday honey horse hospital hour house how hungry I, my, me ice 20 idea in 〜 India Indian introduce it, its, it January Japan Japanese job 30 juice July jump June just kettle kick kind king kitchen 40 knee knife, knives knock know knew known Korea lady ladybug lake large leaf, leaves 50 learn-ed/ learnt -nt leg lesson let let let library light -ed or lit lit light ※ 2 like listen little 60 long look look for 〜 love lunch magic make made made man mantis March 70 May may meat meet met met mermaid milk minute mirror Monday monkey 80 month moon moonlight more morning mother mountain mouth name neck 90 next nice night no noon north Norway nose not November 100
number nurse o'clock October office Oh on open orange ox 10 oxen palm paper party peach peacock pen pencil penguin pet 20 piano picture pig pilot plane play please pond potato pray 30 princess pull pupil purse push question quiet quiz rabbit rain 40 really red refrain refrigerator rest room right river road robot rock 50 rocket roof room run ran run salt Saturday say said said school sea season 60 see saw seen September she, her, her sheep ship shoe short shoulder show showed shown shut shut shut 70 sick silver sing sang sung sit sat sat sky sleep slept slept small snake snow so 80 soap soft some something son song sore sorry soup south 90 space sparrow speak spoke spoken spoon spring stage stand stood stood star start stomach 100
stone stream street student study subject sugar summer sun Sunday 10 super supper swallow swan swim swam swum table talk taxi tea teacher 20 telephone temple terrible thank that there these they, their, them thirsty this 30 those throat Thursday tight time to drink today toe together tomorrow 40 tonight too tooth teeth touch towel tree trunk Tuesday turn turtle 50 umbrella uncle United Kingdom United States of America vanilla vegetable wake up woke woken walk wall walnut 60 want wash watch watch ※2 water way we, our, us Wednesday week west 70 whale what when where which white who, whose, whom why wind/ wind wound -und window 80 wine wing winter woman wonderful wood worker world wrong yard 90 yeah year yellow yes yesterday you, your, you younger brother younger sister zebra zoo 100